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Hey there, my name is Davi and I’m 20 years old. I’m currently ending my biotechnology graduation at UFPA - Universidade Federal do Pará, One of the biggest universities on Brazil.

I’ve been doing academic internship since the start of my course(2018), first as a volunteer and after as Scientifc Iniciation Scholarship student, with Academic Guidance from Prof. PhD Rafael Azevedo Baraúna.


🎓 *Bachelor of Biotechnology, Federal University of Pará, 2018-06/22 (Expected conclusion date)

Professional Experience

🛠️ Scientific Initiation
Center Of Genomics and Systems Biology, 2018-present

I worked as Scientific Intiation Student assisting on 4 different projects, with the following topics: Microbial Genomics, Antibiotic Restistance and Metagenomics with Amplicon usage. My main activities we’re both as Microbiologist and Bioinformatics tool user.

Advisor: Prof. Phd. Rafael Azevedo Baraúna

🛠️ Volunteer Internship
Biosharp.net, 2021

I worked as an intern at Biosharp.net, learning how to implement nextflow pipelines, versioning control tools, debbuging tools and using cloud infrastructure to run Nextflow.

Advisor: Abhinav Sharma

🛠️ Academic Internship
Evandro Chagas Institute, Belém, PA, 2022-present

I’m Currently working as Academic intern deploying Nextflow pipelines on HPC with PBS structure for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Genomic Analysis

Advisors: Karla Lima, Emilyn Conceição, Abhinav Sharma, Marília Conceição